RESEARCH Series Explore modern day Shikohin Solitude as an Essential for Human Thought: the Possibilities of ‘Shikohin.’ Interview with Philosopher Koichiro Kokubun READ
RESEARCH Lessons from 1,000 Days in Isolation: How to “Rest,” as Told by a Polar Region Architect READ
RESEARCH Series Explore modern day Shikohin “Foods for Enjoyment,” and creating bonds that transcend family. Interview with Primatologist Junichi Yamagiwa on “Shikohin” (Part 2 of 2) READ
RESEARCH Series Explore modern day Shikohin “Foods for Enjoyment,” and creating bonds that transcend family. Interview with Primatologist Junichi Yamagiwa on “Shikohin” (Part 1 of 2) READ
RESEARCH The only Tibetan medicine doctor in Japan preserving the country’s herb traditions Protecting medicinal herb culture READ